Infonet specializes in offering ‘Offshore Software Development’ – the latest paradigm that has taken the software industry by storm. In view of the increasing interconnectivity brought about by the growing power of the Internet, physical locations of software teams have become almost inconsequential – enabling cross-continental collaborations that have thus far remained a distant dream.

Infonet enables businesses to achieve their operational, tactical and strategic objectives by utilizing the latest technologies & methodologies, leading to improved quality, enhanced productivity and customer satisfaction.

As a Total Solutions Provider, Infonet offers to our clients a wide range of services designed to address, comprehensively, today's IT challenges in a variety of vertical markets. In order to deliver targeted, market-specific solutions, we provide our services through three practice areas, which are organized to leverage our team's technical knowledge, domain expertise, and use of standard methodologies

At the core of this vision is Infonet's commitment to attract and retain highly skilled and motivated employees who understand how business processes integrate to support the key operating systems within the organization. It is this understanding that allows for the best use of innovative technology applications to radically improve the productivity of the workplace of the future.

INFONET has the experience + expertise to assist you.

  Professional Services

   These days, competitive advantage depends on high-value business processes, such as CRM, supply chain management, and business intelligence—applications that effectively require integration of data from across the organization to develop a complete view of activity throughout the enterprise, customer channels, and the supply chain. A key to success will be the enterprise's ability to manage the staggering volumes and complexity of data efficiently and cost-effectively.

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   A critical success factor in any large-scale data implementation is ensuring your target users can access the data they need to make better business decisions faster. Infonet Technologies offers expertise in developing data delivery or business intelligence applications that deliver information to the proper audiences within and beyond your enterprise to empower your workforce and improve overall decision making.

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